Professional Experience & Achievements
"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way" 

- Mark Twain

Quintis Sandalwood - Albany Site 01/24 - present

Quality Assurance Manager

This role demonstrates expertise in establishing clear communication channels on a regional site of an international company. Proven ability to develop reports and manage staff ensures timely and accurate information flow across all levels. The combination of ISO 9001 quality control knowledge and regional sandalwood production experience translates into data analysis that empowers diverse teams (R&D, Sales, etc.) for strategic decision-making.

Current Projects:

Efficiency Review

Leveraging existing relationships and knowledge to accelerate progress in transitioning into the Quality Manager role and contribute to the continuous improvement of Quintis Sandalwood Albany's quality management system, and effectively delegate and prioritize work for optimal team performance while reviewing the workflow

Conducting a targeted gap analysis

Focusing the gap analysis on areas where previous involvement identified potential for improvement with the goal to develop a preliminary action plan.

Continuously Evolving Action Plan

Leverage stakeholder and employee feedback, alongside progress updates, to refine the action plan.

Prioritize long-term initiatives to ensure alignment with the organization's evolving needs.

Feedback-Driven Improvement

Establish a framework for ongoing evaluation, incorporating stakeholder and employee feedback.

Identify areas for improvement based on the gathered feedback.

Implement effective solutions to address identified areas for improvement.

Quintis Sandalwood - Albany Site 04/20 - 12/23

Analytical Chemist

Responsible for Quality Assurance and Control in product and raw materials testing within a GMP environment to ensure compliance with domestic and international quality standards and regulations. 

Chemical Cleanup (currently ongoing):

Consolidation of Chemical storage, organisation of chemical disposal, update to dangerous goods registers, and redesign of waste stream systems.

Shift from current paper and folder based SDS and Risk Assessment system to ChemAlert.

Supervisory period:

For a period of over 9 months had a supervisory role for a Quality Control Laboratory, this involved staff management and day to day work control of the lab.

Go to person for most QA/QC issues involving testing.

Database Creation and Migration:

Organisation & Successful installation of 2 database control units for scientific instrumentation.

Including upgraded hardware and software and integration of cloud sync technology to allow for multiple storage locations/backups.

Training and Mentoring:

Onboarding and Training of multiple staff within a quality assurance laboratory and data processing roles.

NSW Health Pathology Forensic  & Analytical Science Service - Illicit Drugs Analysis Unit 04/18 - 03/20

Scientific Officer

Scientific examination of police exhibits to determine the identity of substances found and report on said findings in accordance with NSW and Commonwealth legislation. Troubleshooter and trainer for instrumentation including GCMS, GCFID, UPLC and FTIR.

Training and Mentoring:

sample testing and quality assurance and maintenance

confidential samples.

Improvements and Innovation:

Lidcombe Facilities and Environment Refurbishment Working Group:

Validation and setup of multiple pieces of scientific instrumentation:



NSW Health Pathology Forensic  & Analytical Science Service -  Illicit Drugs Analysis Unit 08/17 - 04/18

Technical Officer (Instrumentation Specialist)

Maintenance of a regular program of analytical and auditing work to meet laboratory needs, specialising in instrumentation.

Training and Mentoring:

Improvements and Innovation:

steroid analysis via GCMS and storage of standards required.

Culture Champion:

NSW Health Pathology Forensic  & Analytical Science Service - National Institute of Forensic Science - Drug Reference Collection Unit 04/16 - 08/17

Forensic Standards Officer

Maintenance of a repository of over 800 chemicals for the use of forensic labs Australia wide. This including storage, disposal, database management, chemical testing and transport arrangements for any samples requests to meet client expectations.

Consultation and Recognition:

Chemical Control update:

NSW Health Pathology Forensic  & Analytical Science Service - Forensic Toxicology 09/08 - 04/16

Laboratory Technician

Maintenance of a regular program of  coronial exhibit reception and handling, testing , maintenance of laboratory and data entry utilising  a LIMS system.